Wednesday, May 18, 2011

San Diego

Much of Tuesday was spent at a couple of spots north of San Diego. Jim had recommended the San Elijo Lagoon, and despite constant rain we found a Clapper Rail; California Towhees were everywhere on the trail. The next stop was at the Torrey Pines Reserve where we had close looks at a Wrentit and California Quail, singing Rufous-crowned Sparrows and had clear views of a couple of foraging California Thrashers. The latter was a lifer, my fifth for the year. At the end of the day we went out to the 13th Street area of South San Diego Bay and watched a number of clicking Forster's Terns and had a Whimbrel fly over. I ended the day on 235 for the year.

California Towhee
Western Gull

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