Saturday, May 28, 2011

Willcox and Mount Lemmon

Mount Lemmon

On Friday David and I began with another bird chase. A Gray Catbird had been reported from a private yard in Willcox and we drove to Max Jarrett's house to easily add my 9th state bird for the year. [A report noted that the barn owls that I had seen at Lyle Leslie's house on March 19th had fledged three young.] While in Willcox we then visited Cochise Lake, finding Scaled Quail but no out-of-the-ordinary waders (shorebirds) and then St David's (dipping on Mississippi Kite) before heading back to Tucson.

After a break we headed out to Mount Lemmon which yielded our two target birds - Yellow-eyed Junco and Zone-tailed Hawk - but otherwise was a little disappointing.

I added 6 birds for 2011 to end on 269.

Scaled Quail

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