Monday, May 30, 2011

Sierra Vista

On Sunday, David and I started the day at San Pedro House with the wind blowing strongly, walking along the river from the bridge, around the lake and back we had a good morning's birding without finding anything of great note. Our next stop, Ash Canyon B&B did not disappoint and we found Lucifer's Hummingbird and Scott's Oriole despite feeders swinging 60 degree arcs due to the wind. We ended the morning with a short stop at Ramsey Canyon to get Magnificent Hummingbird.

A visit to Sweetwater at the end of the day proved fruitless - with the Harris Hawks apparently gone due to changes at Roger Road -with the winds still blowing and air quality poor. The Catalinas were obscured by a dust haze.

 I ended the day with 6 new birds to reach 284 for the year.
Acorn Woodpecker

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