Friday, November 18, 2011

Orlando, Florida - working day

I arrived in Orlando at 4pm on Thursday on a business trip, and added White Ibis for my year list when I turned off the highway en route to my hotel to fix a wing mirror.

White Ibis

Between a 4 hour work session on Thursday evening and 6 hours spent on the USF campus on Friday afternoon, I took a 3 hour morning to visit Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area just south of Christmas, FL. The trip was spoiled by the presence of 300 deer hunters wearing orange safety vests while I was without. I also visited Fort Christmas for a short while. I was surprised by the lack of passerines seeing just American Robin, Northern Mockingbird, Red-winged Blackbird, Palm Warbler, Fish Crow and an Eastern Phoebe during the day. I was not surprised to see both Turkey and Black Vultures, White and Glossy Ibis, Wood Stork, Sandhill Crane and Cattle Egret. Despite just 13 species, 3 were new for the year taking me to 317 in the US and 562 overall.

Sandhill Crane
Wood Stork

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