Saturday, November 19, 2011

Orlando, Florida - birding day

On Saturday November 19th I met birdingpal Al and we spent the morning in search of Limpkin in the Ritch Grissom Wetlands in Viera. We drove the loop three times in vain although we heard the bird call on our first time around.
Black Vulture
After lunch we headed to the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge where we saw many ducks and the only Reddish Egret and Roseate Spoonbills of the trip. A stop at Oak Hammock we found a single Black-and-White Warbler among many Yellow-rumped warblers. We then headed through the refuge to the Cape Canaveral National Seashore finding shorebirds on the beach and gannets and jaegers over the ocean. An American Bittern flew past us as we headed back to Titusville at the end of the day. I had 81 species on a full day's birding including 17 that were new for the year to end on 334 birds for the year in the US and 579 overall.

Roseate Spoonbill
Tricolored Heron

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