Friday, November 25, 2011

Lake Powell

On Friday, November 25th we spent a family day visiting Page and Lake Powell. We stopped at Glen Canyon Dam on our way out and having walked across the bridge, found that we needed the scope to properly see the birds below us. We continued on to Wahweap Marina spending time wandering along the shore- where we heard a loon call - and on the pontoons. A boy throwing bread into the water attracted coot, Mallard, Wood Duck and a single Mew Gull among the Ring-billeds. A juvenile California Gull was also at the marina. Heading home, we stopped at the dam and with scope in scanned the birds below us finding a Long-tailed Duck among the Common and my lifer Barrow's Goldeneye along with many cormorants. A stop at Cameron Trading Post yielded a single Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

I ended the day on 582 species for the year including 337 in the US. Barrow's Goldeneye was my 109th lifer for the year and I added three new state birds fora total of 19 this year.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the goldeneye lifer, I'm glad one showed up for you!
