Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chasing birds in town and in Cameron

The bird alert had tales of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the courtyard at Cameron Trading Post and a Northern Waterthrush at the seep. These are two birds that should be on my state list! After dropping my son at school on Thursday morning, May 17th, I headed to Cameron. I spent a nice two hours in the courtyard and a bad half-hour at a very hot seep, but found neither of these targets.

Summer Tanager
Friday was a better day and I chased a Franklin's Gull at city pond, and then finally saw a Flammulated Owl on an evening trip with Tom, BB, Todd and Gretchen.

Franklin's Gull
Flammulated Owl
On Saturday I headed back to Cameron, this time with three heavy hitters - Tom, Jason and Chuck. Alas I saw the same birds that I had seen on my own on Thursday!

Sadly American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush and Worm-eating Warbler were seen in Cameron over the next few days ...

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