Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Short trip South

I headed south after work on Tuesday May 8th, spending an hour at the Glendale Recharge Ponds before sunset. I dipped on the Snowy Plover that had been there for a few days (but it wasn't seen afterwards), but had a good time late in the day in the company of Melanie.

I was up and out to beat the Phoenix rush on Wednesday, stopping first at Sweetwater where the highlight was a Great-horned Owl sitting quietly in one of the large trees.

Great-horned Owl

After an hour or so there, I headed to Madera Canyon where I planned to spend the rest of the day.  My main target bird was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak that had been visiting the Kubo and Chuparosa feeders.  A female White-eared Hummingbird had also been around, and I fancied a hike up to the Carrie Nation Trail for Elegant Trogon. However the weather had other plans and after just an hour or so I was caught in a torrential downpour and headed back to my room! Of course, it was Madera Canyon and I saw plenty of birds.

Wild Turkey
Mexican Jay

Thankfully my luck changed on Thursday and I found the two birds that I had wanted most - Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet and Buff-bellied Flycatcher. I had done my homework on e-Bird and went to Aqua Caliente Park for the former and lucked into a morning bird walk. Incredibly the group were taken to see the tyrranulet nest! A bird came in and I had this ABA bird before 8:30. I then drove up Mt Lemmon and spent 3 hours searching for the Buff-breasted Flycatcher in Rose Canyon. The whole area was full of birds and birders and I spent a wonderful morning in this lovely spot. 

Yellow-eyed Junco

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