Friday, March 28, 2014

Cornville and Page Springs

On Saturday March 8th my wife and I took a leisurely trip to the Verde Valley. This was my first real trip for a couple of weeks, not counting a couple of trips out to Kachina - including a 'work day' with Diane - and one to Upper Lake Mary.

We stopped first at Windmill Park in Cornville hoping to find the Wood Ducks that Vic had told me about; we did not find them but instead found a FOY Common Black-Hawk.

We then went to Lo Lo Mai, which had disappointed bird-wise when I had visited with Vic early in the year (I did see an otter!) This time the Wood Ducks were there but, alas, still no sign of Dena's screech owl.

A visit to the Bubbling Ponds delivered nothing of note, and I again failed to find Common Gallinule at the Sedona Wetland Preserve.

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