Friday, March 28, 2014

Socorro & Albuquerque

After my elder son had returned to Chicago, the three of us took a trip to New Mexico at the tail end of spring break.

On Thursday March 20th we drove to the Bosque del Apache just south of Socorro for a planned 3-hours of birding. However we had arrived too late in the year and the cranes and most ducks had already left. Although I added Ross's Goose for the year we finished up an hour earlier than planned.

After a lovely day at the zoo and aquarium on Friday, there was more disappointment to come on Saturday March 22nd. We began the day with a drive to Sandia Crest House and got to enjoy the views from 10,600 feet. However there were no rosy finches at the feeders or on the ground and the only birds we found were Common Raven, Mountain Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco and Steller's Jay! We then went to the Rio Grande Valley Nature Park and again found ourselves in a area with little bird life.

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