Saturday, May 10, 2014

Code 3 Bird at Rimmy Jim

On Wednesday May 5th Jason found a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (a Code 3 ABA bird) at Rimmy JIm Tank. I was busy at work and then had to attend a retirement dinner for a colleague and so I did not look at the AZ birds listserve until 9pm.  Some birders had been out to see it at dusk and I thought I was out of luck.

But Shaun posted a positive sighting at 5:35 on Thursday and I raced out to see the bird meeting BB, Vic, Sam and Brooks while there. The bird was very cooperative but a bit far for my camera.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
I had seen many of these birds at the Port of Brisbane in 2009 but this was an ABA bird for me. The bird remained in place on Friday and Saturday.

On Friday May 9th I went to Snowbowl to add Clark's Nutcracker to my year's list. (I did not manage this bird in 2013; I was bitten by a dog in one effort). This time I heard the bird but also saw an American Three-toed Woodpecker. This gave me the full set of the woodpeckers since September 21st 2013.  

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