Saturday, May 10, 2014

North American Migration Count - The I-40 Strip

On Saturday May 10th I met Anita at the Holbrook WTP at 6:30 to begin my familiar route on the NAMC in Navajo County. The water level on the first pond was high and so no waders (shorebirds) were to be found. Summer Tanager, Western Wood-Pewee and Black-crowned Night Heron were among the best birds, and I finally caught up with Rock Wren in 2014.

Blue-winged Teal
Rock Wren

Driving beyond the locked gate we had a small flock of Brewer's Sparrows, Northern Mockingbird and a singing Eastern Meadowlark.A walk around the reservoir yielded several Spotted Sandpiper, three Franklin's Gulls and a good variety of ducks. And we were lucky to find a few Scaled Quail.

Scaled Quail

We had no luck on a couple of stops at Joseph City, and La Posada in Winslow was disappointing. We finished our route at McHood Park where we added a couple of species to the day's list. The highlight there was a basking Collared Lizard.

Collared Lizard

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