Sunday, May 18, 2014

Little Rock, Arkansas

On Sunday May 18th I visited Two Rivers Park in Little Rock, AR. Having done my homework on eBird's BETA 'Explore Hotspots', this appeared to be my best bet for a couple of hours. I took a trail from a parking area down to the river and back, a trail then went through a swamp, through patches of forest and also across some grassy areas.

The latter proved to be the highlight and I had a Mississippi Kite immediately fly over on my arrival at this habitat - and 4 of these birds throughout the morning. Many Indigo Bunting were feeding in the grasses and both Eastern Kingbirds and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were hunting insects from the grass and small shrubs. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was a life bird for me - my 8th of 2014 - and a spectacular one.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Mississippi Kite
Eastern Kingbird

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