Friday, November 28, 2014

La Paz County and the Arlington area

On Friday November 28th we drove from Lake Havasu City to Casa Grande stopping to bird along the way. We stopped first at Parker Dam but found little of note and then from Parker we headed down Mohave Road past some agricultural fields. We saw many kestrels and red-tails along the way but our best birds were 9 Sandhill Cranes and 36 Cattle Egrets, the latter probably an ABA best for me.
Red-tailed Hawk
We then drove from Parker to Arlington seeing few birds, the exception being a Prairie Falcon as we neared a roundabout as Arizona Highway 72 crossed US 60.

We spent an hour in the area around Arlington including a visit to the Lower River Road ponds which yielded 26 Great Egrets, 7 Snow Geese and 3 American Avocets. The drive itself delivered 4 Greater Roadrunner, probably 50 Gambel's Quail and at least 5000 Red-winged and Yellow-headed Blackbirds in one mixed flock. A Belted Kingfisher sitting on a farm gate was unexpected and we were pleasantly surprised to find 3 Black Vultures in a roost of nearly 20 Turkey Vultures.

Turkey and Black Vulture

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