Thursday, November 27, 2014

Lake Havasu City

My wife and I started Thursday November 27th at Rotary Park in Lake Havasu City. The park was full of people but we found two California Gulls among the Ring-billeds, although we had no luck finding the Golden-crowned Sparrow among all the White-crowneds. The park had lots of doves including at least 25 Inca Doves.

California Gull

After taking a one hour boat trip on the lake to Copper Canyon on the California side of the luck, we drove down to the Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge for a two-and-a-half hour visit. I remembered seeing gnatcatchers here before and had been hoping for Blue-Grays, but having found birds of this type they responded to tape as Black-tailed Gnatcatchers!

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
But we had come looking for water birds and after seeing many Greater Scaup were able to find some Clark's Grebes among the many Westerns, and then after some searching to find a few Barrow's Goldeneyes among the Commons. But the bird of the day was a friendly Common Loon who stayed just a few feet in front of us at the floating platform for more than half an hour.

Common Loon

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