Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Local Chasing

With the end of the year approaching I decided to go for some local birds that had eluded me in 2014:

Saturday November 8th my wife and I spent a morning in Camp Verde. We started at the Western Screech Owl spot but the campground was busy and the bird not to be seen. We then drove to Bullpen Road and hiked around for a while in hopes of Rufous-crowned Sparrow or Crissal Thrasher, again dipping on both

I then spent veteran's Day, Tuesday November 11th looking for Juniper Titmouse at a very windy Walnut Canyon and for American Dipper at Cave Springs. I failed on both species leaving me at 0 for 5 on my chases! 

My luck changed on Saturday November 22nd when I easily found two female Red-breasted Mergansers on Lake Elaine, and then after some patient searching the American Dipper cooperated for us at Cave Springs.

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