Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sax-Zim Bog

We reached Sax-Zim Bog at 2pm on Monday December 15th giving us the best part of two hours to drive the Sax-Macdavitt-Zim-Admiral loop in search of Great Gray Owl. I had done this loop as part of a tour, on my own and with Rob and Virginia without success during the Sax-Zim Bog Festival in February. my wife and I saw a Ruffed Grouse, Rough-legged Hawk and Bald Eagle but again had lo luck with the owl.

We returned on Tuesday 16th for a second shot. Duluth had 3 inches of snow on Monday night and we drove through some flurries while driving up. We had a Harlan's Red-tail and a Rough-legged hawk and a Black-billed Magpie on our first loop before stopping at the south end of Admiral Road to have lunch.

Black-billed Magpie
We then drove the loop in the counterclockwise direction stopping to watch a red squirrel and some Black-capped Chickadees at the feeders. Heading down MacDavitt I saw a large bird flying low across the road and my wife saw where it landed. Finally a Great Gray Owl! And a very cooperative one who sat on his perch while we drove up close enough to allow some photos.

Great Gray Owl

In all I must have driven the 18-mileloop 8-10 times - 150 miles of patient searching! Bird in hand we then drove to Meadowlands stopping at the feeders at the Welcome Center where we saw Black-capped Chickadees, Hairy Woodpecker, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Common Redpoll.

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