Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sedona CBC

On Monday December 22nd Barbara, David, Jeanne and I did the Coconino County section of the Sedona Christmas Bird Count. We began the day in cool temperatures but were in T-shirts at 65 degrees by the afternoon. We started with feeder birds in the Brewer Road neighborhood where numbers were down from a year ago but included my first Verdin in the county.

Driving to the end of the paved road on Schnebly Hill Road we birded the area by the trailhead finding several Juniper Titmouse - my first of the year! Stops at the Creative Life Center and Rio Sedona Trailer Park added several expected species including Red-naped Sucker and Common Merganser. The creek by Tlequepaque has several Mallard and American Wigeon.

We added a few more species on our stops along Highway 79 at Poco Diablo, the trail head at Back o' Beyond, the Chapel and Morgan Road but generally these areas were pretty quiet in the early afternoon. They may have been better earlier in the day and we should probably plan the day differently next year. We had 38 species this year.

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