Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wisconsin stake-outs

On Sunday December 14th my wife and I left Chicago and drove as far as Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The following morning, Monday 15th we drove to Duluth via a stop in Superior. We then retraced our steps on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th. Although our time in Wisconsin was only spent in getting from A to B we stopped ror a couple of stake outs.

We were successful first time around in Superior, although it took us a little time to find the right spot, and we found a female Snowy Owl sitting atop a scoreboard at the sports field at the middle school.

Snowy Owl

We had no luck at the Eau Claire stakeout on the way out but our timing on the way back was perfect. Arriving at 4pm we ran into three local birders and after an early glimpse at the Northern Hawk Owl one of them located the bird on a perch that allowed everyone the opportunity for photos.

Northern Hawk Owl

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