Saturday, May 16, 2015


Heading back to Flagstaff we spent the night of Friday May 15th in Needles, and spent half an hour on the Colorado River in Marina Park from 7:00 to 7:30pm. This wasn't much of a park but there was some river access and we were surprised to find a Ross's Goose, as well as less surprisingly a Wilson's Warbler - both new for the year,

Ross's Goose

En route back to the motel we had another new bird for the year, a Lesser Nighthawk swooping by the area by a petrol station.

We returned to Flagstaff on Saturday morning, May 16th having seen 112 species in California including two that are not countable, with 2 lifers and 2 further ABA birds. This tally included 48 species new for the year, some of which I would surely find later in Arizona but many of which were California specialties.

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