Thursday, July 30, 2015

Aylesbeare RSPB Reserve

On Tuesday June 21st I traveled to Exeter by MegaBus and after checking into my hotel met David at Aylesbeare RSPB reserve at 6:15 for some late in the day birding. A short wander around part of the reserve threw up three of the reserve's common heathland birds - Stonechat, Yellowhammer and Linnet - but it was the stop at the snake sheets that was the highlight if the day, with Slow Worm, Grass Snake and my lifer Adder all present as we inspected these spots.

Slow Worm
Grass Snake

After stopping for a cuppa at David's place we headed out to a spot where David had recently seen a Tawny Owl, a bird I had not seen for 30 years. We had no luck, but as we drove away I saw a bird fly from the road into a tree and this Tawny owl flew over our car as we drove past! We returned to the common to finish the day and were treated to the trilling of Nightjars and some clear views of these birds flying around just after sunset.

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