Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cley and Minsmere

On Monday July 13th David and I wrapped up our two day trip with two hours at Cley, a quick stop in Lowestoft and a short stay at Minsmere.

The Cley stop wasn't our decision as we had to wait for the reserve to open and then saw very similar birds to the ones seen along the coast at Titchwell. We did have good views of a cooperative Sedge Warbler, but a group of 6 Little Gulls picking insects off the mud was the highlight of this stop.

The drive from Cley past Yarmouth into Suffolk seemed to take forever, and after a two minute stop to see the Black-legged Kittiwakes at Lowestoft we arrived at Minsmere with only an hour and a half available for our visit. We didn't have time for much exploration, for a walk through the woods and short stops at a couple of hides. Three Brent Geese and a single Barnacle Geese on top of Greylags and Canadas gave us a 4 goose visit.

Grey Heron

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