Thursday, July 30, 2015


On Wednesday July 22nd David and I birded at a woodland in East Dartmoor and then went looking for seabirds at Berry Head.

We started the day in a woodland area at the eastern edge of Dartmoor hoping for Pied Flycatcher and Mandarin Duck, but dipping on both these birds. The nest boxes for the flycatchers, many occupied just a few weeks ago were now empty with the bids having moved on. But the reserve's feeders were well stocked and I was able to add European Siskin, Bullfinch and Treecreeper to my 2015 bird list. I also had my best views for the year for Great-spotted Woodpecker and Marsh Tit.

Coal Tit
Eurasian Siskin
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Grey Wagtail
Marsh Tit

We then drove to Berry Head, just outside Brixham hoping for Guillemot, but these birds had already bred and the birds had returned to the sea. We also failed to find the hoped for Rock Pipit, but enjoyed seeing Fulmars again along with several Great Black-backed Gulls. Our day's final stop was at Labrador Bay where our target eluded us for some time, before we eventually found a good spot for them and I finally added Cirl Bunting to my UK list.

On Thursday July 23rd we hit a couple of spots for target birds before I headed back to Kantara. I took the bus from Exeter to Aylesbeare Common to repeat the loop from Tuesday evening, but this time seeing several individuals of the target species - Dartford Warbler. We then drove to the Otter Estuary and hiked along the river and up to the clifftops, finding several Shags but dipping for the second time on Rock Pipit.

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