Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Week before Classes

I did a number of short birding hikes ahead of the start of Fall semester although they all proved to be pretty unexciting.

On Tuesday August 23rd I spent an hour at Elden Spring, although I had set aside more time it was not a very birdy day. I saw just 11 species with Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Wilson's Warbler being the small highlights.

On Friday August 26th I went our to the Kachina Wetlands but the mud was covered in weeds and the reeds were very high. I saw very little in my sort stay.

On Saturday August 27th I went up to Snowbowl and hiked the Aspen Nature Loop before stopping on the way down at Aspen Corner to walk down to and go a short distance along the Arizona Trail. My best bird was a female Williamson's Sapsucker, never an easy bird for me to find.

On Sunday August 28th I spent the best part of 2 hours out at Picture Canyon seeing many of the birds seen a week previously and adding MacGillivray's Warbler for the year. But I failed to find two target birds seen the day before - White-eyed Vireo and Northern Waterthrush.

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