Tuesday, October 25, 2016

San Jose Weekend

On Saturday October 22nd my wife and I spent 45 minutes on Laguna Avenue in Morgan Hill. I had hoped to find Cackling Geese among the Canadas, but in fact there were no geese to be found! However this part of Coyote Valley is well known for its raptors and we had a Northern Harrier, two White-tailed Kites, two Red-tailed Hawks and two Turkey Vultures. The main bird activity however was around the cattle and their water tanks. We had hundreds of Brown-headed Cowbirds and Tricolored Blackbirds with a number of Brewer's Blckbirds, Red-winged Blackbirds, Eurasian starlings and a single female Great-tailed Grackle  mixed in. At the end of the road we had 5 Yellow-billed Magpies.

On Sunday October 23rd we went for a 3 mile hike in Santa Teresa County Park. Wintering sparrows were in with many White-crowns and some Golden-crowned Sparrows in the brush. We also saw a Nuttall's Woodpecker feeding on the ground as well as expected species. Walking back through the golf course we saw two White-tailed Kites, one a young bird asking to be fed by its parent.

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