Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mormon Lake CBC

On Saturday December 16th Troy and I led our usual route for the Mormon Lake CBC, accompanied by Cecelia and Paul. The day began slowly at the dam - although we had a Western Grebe - and in our wander about the observatories and we had few species when we headed out towards Vail Lake. Troy carried his scope in the hope of a Northern Shrike and against the odds we found this bird about two-thirds of the way there. This species is always a challenge and we spent a lot of the count time on this single bird but Troy's digiscoped photos confirmed the ID. A flock of 20 quiet Pinyon Jays near Prime Lake, and a flock of Mountain Bluebirds with a single American Pipit at the far side of Vail meant that out trek was more productive than often. A group of Common Goldeneye at Osprey Lookout was the best of our ducks.

Nothing was open at Mormon Lake Village and so we did not get to sit down to share our stories, but the other surprise for the count - which had a count high 63 species - was a total of 5 Canyon Towhees, a rare bird for the area.

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