Sunday, December 31, 2017

Half Moon Bay and Alviso

On Saturday December 9th my wife and I headed to Pillar Point Harbor on Half Moon Bay where I was chasing a Red-footed Booby that had been there for a month or so. We searched the harbor for about 3 hours before giving up, but had a good day in warm weather and saw Black Oystercatchers, Black Turnstones, a Black-bellied Plover, Brown Pelicans, and many expected birds of the coast.

Black Turnstone

On Monday December 11th I met Sergio and Garrett on the Entrance Road to the Environmental Education  Center in Alviso. We scoured the area for the recently seen Ruff and Palm Warbler without luck, not helped by a Peregrine perched on a tower.

We then drove inside the gate and took up a position on the metal view point on Mallard Slough and let the birds come to us. We had a productive day in terms of the number of species, with just Blue-winged Teal new for 2017. Just as interesting were a couple of hybrid Blue-wingeds.

Blue-winged Teal

Blue-winged Teal/Cinnamon Teal hybrid
Blue-winged Teal/Shoveler hybrid

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