Tuesday, June 5, 2018

San Jose in May and early June

I returned to San Jose for an extended period on May 14th, and on a walk along the creek found that Forster's and Caspian Terns were in, and the Pied-billed Grebes had young.

Forster's Tern
Pied-billed Grebe

I spent time chasing after year bids and had my FOY Lazuli Bunting on Tuesday May 15th, Vaux's Swift on Friday 18th, a Pacific-slope Flycatcher on Wednesday 23rd and a Warbling Vireo on Thursday 24th. My wife and I went to Stanford on Saturday May 19th and stopped at Arastradero for a hike where we ran into a (Western) Northern Pacific Rattlesnake.

On Thursday 31st May I went to Ulistac where a number of interesting birds had been reported.I ran into Sergio and Garrett while there and they found a hooded Oriole for me (by sound). I also saw a new county bird - an Olive-sided Flycatcher - while there. On a very hot Saturday June 2nd my wife and I headed to Sanborn County Park where I added two more year birds - Cassin's Vireo and Western Tanager.

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