Thursday, May 14, 2015

Back to the Coast - Ventura

I returned to the coast in the morning of Wednesday June 13th with a trip to Ventura Harbor with the prime goal of getting Wandering Tattler, a bird I failed to find at Playa del Reyes/Ballona on Sunday.

A look at eBird before I left indicated the presence of two loons at the Marina Park part of the Harbor and I found both birds within seconds of leaving the car! The Red-throated Look was only the second one I had ever seen and, unlike the first, this bird was close and gave excellent views.

Red-throated Loon
Common Loon

I then headed down to a jetty in hope of finding the tattler on the rocks, but found it instead on the beach nearby, where I watched it through the scope for a good twenty minutes. I had seen this bird briefly in Mexico many years ago and had looked for it several times in San Diego, Monterey etc. It was good to finally see this bird.

Wandering Tattler

I then headed to the other end of the harbour and wandered down the beach seeing Black-winged Stilts, Sanderlings and another Mute Swan.

I returned to the hotel around 2pm, but returned to Ventura with my wife in the evening. This time finding Willets, American Avocets and Surf Scoters as well as both the loons.

Male Surf Scoter

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