Sunday, May 3, 2015

Filling in gaps in the Verde Valley

On Tuesday April 28th I found myself free of meetings and on-campus commitments and being caught up with my grading and with final exams under control I spent the day with Rich hitting some spots in the Verde Valley.

I let Rich know that I was still missing Bushtit, Northern Cardinal,  Crissal Thrasher and Greater Roadrunner and he took me to a series of spots to look for these. We had the cardinal at Page Springs, the thrasher at Ogden ranch Road and Bushtit at Chuckwalla Road in Cottonwood. I also picked up some other year birds - Brown-crested Flycatcher, Vesper Sparrow, White-winged Dove, Black-headed Grosbeak and Bullock's Oriole were all likely to be found soon enough, but a Solitary Sandpiper at Page Springs and a Zone-tailed Hawk at Rich and Nanette's were unexpected. To round things off we saw a roadrunner atop a snag in front of the Sedona High School.

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