Thursday, May 14, 2015


I spent two-and-a-half hours, mostly in the rain, on Thursday May 14th at Malibu Lagoon and at a couple of spots along Malibu Creek between US 101 and the coast.

Malibu Lagoon and the nearby beach had many terns, and unlike those at Bolsa Chica which were always in the air, some posed quite happily for the camera.

Caspian Terns

Elegant Tern
Forster's Tern

Most of the terns were Elegants with a large group near the rocks and the surfers; a notice board said it was grunion time - these small fish cam close to shore to spawn. As well as the terns there were many gulls, including a few Heerman's, and Brown Pelicans. The only new species for 2015 were a couple of Brant.


A heavy downpour sent me running back tot he car; thankfully I had an umbrella with me, despite the fact that it was hard to carry both this and my spotting scope. I waited in the car for a while before deciding I had probably seen all that I would at the Lagoon, and I headed back up Malibu Canyon Road to a couple of spots on Malibu Creek.

Although it was still drizzling I had some shelter from the trees and I saw my first male Nuttall's Woodpecker of the trip; a Black-throated Gray Warbler and a Lazuli Bunting were the other highlights before the rain got heavier and I headed back to the hotel.

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