Monday, January 4, 2016

Walnut Canyon

With a wintry week forecast on Monday January 4th I headed out to Walnut Canyon National Monument o add to my year list. Arriving at around 11:30 I quickly found my target birds of Juniper Titmouse, American Robin and Townsend's Solitaire. I wandered around hoping to find some of the other birds we had seen here on December 26th and found a female Cassin's Finch before I headed back.

I stopped by the double ponds to add Bufflehead to my list and then spent 15 minutes looking for Acorn Woodpecker without luck at the trail head on St. Moritz.

On Tuesday January 5th I walked to the hospital to double check that a bird seen while driving back after an early meeting was what I thought, and confirmed Lewis's Woodpecker. I then drove across town and at the third attempt added Acorn Woodpecker for the year.

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