Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bulgaria Day Six

On Monday June 13th with breakfast only available at 8:00 we decided to get up and watch birds for an hour before starting the day proper. Having set an early alarm clock we found ourselves up and about in the rain. We did not go far from the car and soon arrived back at the hotel. But in our short time out we saw plenty of Common and Sandwich Terns, a few waders (Pied Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank), a pair of Garganey and my lifer Pygmy Cormorant.

Pygmy Cormorant and Grey Heron
Sandwich Terns

The rain cleared up over breakfast and we returned to the same spot around 9:00 and spent the morning in the salt pans around Pomorie adding many more species of wader and herons to our list, and I saw both Great White and Dalmatian Pelicans - two of my high trip targets - while there. A group of 5 Little Gulls arrived as we were abut to leave and we watched them fuss about the shallow water taking insects from the top. Great Reed, Reed and Cetti's warblers made a lot of noise in the reed beds.

Great White and Dalmation Pelicans

We then headed inland and stopped off at a field to see Collared Pratincoles flying above their nests before hiking to an estuary area where we saw 116 Ruddy Shelduck - a high number for Daniel - and my some Gull-billed Terns.But the highlight of this spot was the best mammal of the trip - a Jackal. We heard some rustling in the bushes nearby, Daniel clapped hands twice and it ran like the clappers to the far side of the field!

We then drove to a lake where Daniel knew White-tailed Eagles were nesting and we saw one bird perched in the trees. We also had about 30 Black Terns skimming the surface like swallows and a closer view of a pelican.

Dalmatian Pelican

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