Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Verde Valley

On Saturday May 7th I headed off the rim with Phyllis and Sue for a double celebration – Rich and Nanette’s 150th yard bird and an event at Page Springs honoring Anita following many years of hard work.

Rich and Nanette’s feeding station continues to grow and we were treated to Bullock’s, Hooded and Scott’s Orioles and a Summer Tanager as well as a Yellow Warbler singing high in the trees above and Lark Sparrows in the field behind their property. 

While we waited – in a crowd of 80 – for the dedication of the Ramada in Anita’s name and a refreshed trail with new signs we had Western Kingbirds and a Western Tanager, while common Black-Hawks, an Osprey and a Bald eagle put on an aerial show.
A short stop at the Verde River yielded a Brown-crested Flycatcher, Bank Swallow, Yellow-breasted Chat and a small flock of Brewer’s Blackbirds.

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