Monday, June 20, 2016

Bulgaria Day Two

After breakfast on Thursday June 9th we spent some time scanning swifts and with the help of Daniel's camera were able to confirm that Pallid Swifts made up at least some of the birds flying about. Crag Martins were the most common of the overhead fliers.

We then went to a famous spot in Trigad Gorge where a Wallcreeper had given close views, until it disappeared about a month earlier! Nevertheless we spent three hours in the gorge at prime spots looking for the bird without luck. We did see three White-throated Dippers, two Serins and a number of Grey Wagtails and Alpine Swifts.

White-throated Dipper

We had lunch at a restaurant further down the gorge before turning back and heading to Krumovgrad. On the way we stopped at one of Daniel's known spots to play tape and had a Black Woodpecker immediately respond giving us close views. Later we made some stops in some farm areas and found things like Black Redstarts and Mistle Thrushes before one stop gave me two lifers - Eastern Olivaceous Warbler and Black-headed Bunting. We then headed to our hotel on the town square after a second long day in a row.

Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Black-headed Bunting

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