Saturday, October 21, 2017

A lifer in Flagstaff

My last lifer in Arizona was the Tufted Flycatcher in Ramsey Canyon in 2015; my last lifer in Coconino county was a Lapland Longspur at Babbitt Tank in 2011 and so adding a bird to my life list at the Frances Short Pond in Flagstaff was very unexpected. Roger had found a Louisiana Waterthrush on Saturday 14th and I had no chance to look for the bird until lunchtime on Tuesday 17th, but there it was cooperatively feeding on insects and bobbing its tail! (The bird stayed until Thursday afternoon.)

I has seen the easy (Northern) waterthrush in Chicago on August 16th, and now two months later I had the other species. Perhaps I have broken the jinx!

Louisiana Waterthrush

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