Saturday, October 21, 2017

Southern Arizona

I headed to Scottsdale for one final day's workshop on September 9th, again having no luck with Costa's Hummingbird or Burrowing Owl on the SCC campus. But I continued down to Tucson and did the Nogales Loop on Sunday September 10th. I had been to Paton's in January and missed the Violet-crowned Hummingb ird then, but this time quickly had the bird. Broad-billed Hummingbirds and Common Ground-Doves were also easy to get, and I had a Lucy's Warbler while walking along the trail that is partially completed down to the Nature Conservancy reserve. I stopped at the Amado ponds on the way back and saw many Black-bellied Whistling Ducks and a single Brown Pelican.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Brown Pelican

I got to my motel in Casa Grande quite early and checking the list serve found that I was close to a spot where a Red Knot had been seen. I drove to the Goldman Dairy Sludge Ponds and found the bird, but these ponds were as disgusting a place that I have ever birded: I can still sense the smell of the place when I think about it.

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