Saturday, October 21, 2017


On August 15th I flew to visit my other son in Chicago, and on Wednesday August 16th I went to Lincoln Park hoping for some year birds. I had been lucky at this site a couple of years earlier with Eastern Kingbird and this time found several of this species. But luck was really with me and I found Northern Waterthrush around the luck - this is a bird that has been something of a jinx and although each year a few are seen around Flagstaff I have not seen one in Arizona for 30 years! Other year birds included the expected Black-capped Chickadee and Common Grackle, but I also found a Least Flycatcher at the southern end of the lake as I headed toward the zoo.

American Goldfinch
Least Flycatcher

I met up with Pat on Friday 18th and we headed to Burnham Prairie on the Illinois-Indiana border looking for some of the waders that had been reported. We had Chimney Swifts en route and my best bird was a Semipalmated Sandpiper. While scanning with Pat's scope I also found a Semipalmated Plover. We then crossed the state lie and went to the Gibson Woods Nature Preserve where a feeding station brought in many species of eastern bird, of which Blue Jay, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Baltimore Oriole were new for the year, all from a comfortable armchair in the visitor center!

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