Thursday, June 23, 2011

Driving through Bangkok to new destination

We spent a little while on Thursday 16th birding along the road as we exited Khao Yai, finally catching up with Banded Broadbill. The birding was quite exciting as we had to keep well ahead of an elephant that was coming down the road and causing distress to those trying to enter the park! We then drove 5 hours south to our next lodgings, breaking our journey around Bangkok to visit a temple famous for nesting Germain’s (edible nest) Swiftlets and to visit some wetland areas. I added 26 birds for the trip, 25 new for 2011 to reach 411 for the year. I also added another 11 lifers to reach 71.

Streaked Weaver
Asian Golden Weaver
White-rumped Shama
Black-headed Munia

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