Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Khao Yai - first full day

On Tuesday 14th we birded in the park and saw three of Khao Yai’s top four birds – Siamese Fireback, Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo and Banded Kingfisher (but not Blue Pitta). In fact we had luck all day and found other targets such as Great Slaty Woodpecker and White-crowned Forktail.  The day ended with some successful owling including a very cooperative Brown hawk Owl. We added 30 species to our trip list including 30 year birds and 21 lifers. My year’s tally reached 372 species and 51 lifers.

Great Slaty Woodpecker
Brown Hawk-owl
Oriental Pied Hornbill
Great Hornbill

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