Thursday, June 23, 2011


We spent the morning of my final day at the wetland area in Phetachaburi finding a number of birds that were new for the trip, in particular Spot-billed Pelican. We then had a bad period dipping ona a number of species including two birds I had really been hoping for - Cotton Pygmy Goose and, my favourite bird, the Hoopoe. Heading back to Bangkok I had my final lifer of the trip, a nice one, in Pheasant-tailed Jacana. I had 15 trip birds, 14 new for the year and another 5 lifers on my final day in Thailand. The trip had delivered 185 species and 96 lifers; a little short of my 200/100 target because of the rains. I ended the day on 473 species and 106 lifers for the year.

Oriental Pratincole
Pheasant-tailed Jacana
Painted Stork
Spot-billed Pelican

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