Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In Thailand

 On Monday June 13th I flew to Bangkok for a week long birding trip in south central Thailand. I had provided a list of target birds to WildBird EcoTours and my guides Par and Roy met me at the airport. We drove for 90 minutes before birding in a lowland secondary forest area around a military camp where the highlights included Asian Barred Owlet and Green Bee-eater. Driving past some wet areas we added more birds including Lesser Whistling Duck, Asian Openbill, Greater Painted-Snipe and Long-tailed Shrike. We then drove to our lodging in Khao Yai National Park, passing an Asian Elephant on the road on the way in! We saw 50 species that day including 39 that were new for the year and 20 lifers. My year’s tally reached 342 species with 30 lifers.

Indochinese Bushlark   
Black-collared Starling
Paddyfield Pipit
Long-tailed Shrike

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