Saturday, April 27, 2013

Birds around Town

Having taken 10 days off it was back to work and time for just short trips to add birds for the year. An evening walk along the Rio de Flag at Willow Bend with my wife on March 28th yielded Wilson's Snipe, and I joined a Northern Arizona Audubon field trip three days later to add a few more birds to the list. Two days later I went to Mormon Lake in hopes of finding some lingering winter birds and added Evening Grosbeak and Rough-legged Hawk as well as Golden Eagle and Chipping Sparrow to my year's list.

Wilson's Snipe
At a short stop at the Glendale Recharge ponds just prior to business at ASU West, I added three 'easy' birds. I then added Brewer's Blackbird at the Walnut Canyon ponds, a Broad-tailed Hummingbird in my yard and White-faced Ibis and Violet-green Swallow at the Kachina Wetlands over the next couple of weeks.

Long-billed Dowitcher

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