Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tucson - Sweetwater and Agua Caliente

On Thursday April 25th I drove down to Tucson for a couple days of relaxation in the middle of a stressful period at work. After stopping for a business-related lunch in Casa Grande I reached Sweetwater at 2pm.

I had a couple of target birds, Harris Hawk and Blue-winged Teal, and I had luck with both although the teal were unexpectedly on the settling ponds and the hawk did not show until very late. My biggest success was finding the Solitary Sandpiper along the creek; this was my third attempt to find this bird and the first time I had not gone with this as a deliberate target. Lots of shorebirds around the edges of the settling ponds allowed for careful scoping and yielded a couple of year birds.

Tiger Whiptail
Zebra-tailed Lizard

After checking into the hotel, a cuppa and a nap I headed to Agua Caliente Park hoping that I would remember where to find the tyrranulet nest that I had been shown a year before and adding that bird to my list. I did find the nest, but not the bird and when I left the park I had added just a couple of birds for the year. But my luck changed as I drove out of the park...

As I left the park I immediately saw a group of birds looking at a number of birds on the telephone wires. I stopped and joined them to find nothing more than cowbirds (although a few Bronzed were among the Brown-Headeds). The group had been doing a big day as pat of a Tucson Audubon fundraiser and were hanging around to end their day at an Elf Owl nest hole. I joined them for this and saw two Elf Owls emerge from a saguaro, and also had Lesser Nighthawk and Great-horned Owl to finish the first day of my trip.

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