Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon

There had been a flurry of sightings at the Sedona Wetlands Preserve which was open for the first time during spring migration. Local birders had visited most mornings and evenings and had seen a large collection of gulls and waders. Sadly on our visit on Saturday April 20th, no trespassing signs had been posted restricting access to the better spot - the large back pond - for migrant birds. Our walk around the ponds closer to road yielded a few lingering ducks and a few snipe. A calling Sora was the only new bird for the year.

Oak Creek Canyon proved to be better. We had Common Black-hawk near Midgely Bridge while driving to Sedona, and a stop at Cave Spring on the way back yielded Painted Redstart and Yellow Warbler.  

Painted Redstart

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