Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Flagstaff Golf Course

Turning into the Flagstaff Athletic Club on Tuesday December 6th I saw a white goose among a group of Canada Geese flying overhead. I looked for the bird after my swim on Thursday 8th and found Tom, Jason and Ron with their scopes looking at birds on the driving range. They were looking at a Cackling Goose and a California Gull and said that they had earlier seen 2 Snow Geese and 6 White-fronted Geese.

A week later on Thursday December 15th posts indicated that there were now 4 Snow Geese and 1 Ross's Goose on the fairway opposite the Club, and late in the day my son and I went out but could only find 2 Snow Geese! But I went out in the rain on Friday 16th and found the Ross's Goose, reaching my 500 species target for the year!

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