Thursday, December 22, 2016

Moss Landing

On Friday December 30th my wife, son and I went to Moss Landing. We used our usual plan, starting at the State Wildlife Area where we were greeted by a friendly Long-billed Curlew. We saw the expected birds - Brown Pelicans, Willet, gulls etc. as well as a Harbor Seal and several Sea Otters.

Long-billed Curlew
We then drove across the busy highway to Moss Landing State Beach where an immediate find was a state mammal - a pocket gopher. The water was quite high but Marbled Godwits few in the vegetation and the White-tailed Kites were in their usual tree. A Pelagic Cormorant was a bit of a surpise.

Botta's Pocket Gopher

We then took a path through the dunes and walked along the beach where we found several Snowy Plover as well as Willets and Sanderlings along the waterline. A few Surf Scoter were in the water.

Snowy Plover
Sanderlings and Willet

We then walked back along the road. The harbor area had both Common Loon and Pacific Loon and we saw one California Sea Lion (but could hear many more). A group of Heerman's Gulls were on one rock; Brwon Pelicans on another.

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