Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cottonwood and Sedona

On Saturday December 10th I decided to go down to Cottonwood and Sedona to hit a couple of spots to try to reach 500 species in 2016, including 300 in North America.

I had looked on eBird for some likely spots and my son and I went to Ogden Ranch Road hoping for sparrows. Alas the only such species found were White-crowneds. However we got lucky with a Prairie Falcon harassing a raven overhead. The falcon took we one nearer to my targets.

Further stops at Chuckwalla Road and in a Sedona Neighborhood failed to deliver hoped-for White-winged Dove or Canyon Towhee.

On Wednesday December 14th Barbara and I spent 4 hours in Sedona on the CBC where we saw many expected species, but again no Canyon Towhee

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