Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Vancouver, day three

On Saturday November 26th I started the day with another visit to the Lost Lagoon, seeing many of the species from the day before but also a Pacific Wren and a River Otter! Although it was drizzling I went a little further than the previous day and made it to Second Beach where the water held Bufflehead, both Common and Barrow's Goldeneye, a solitary Surf Scoter and my target: a Harlequin Duck. This was the first one I had seen since a wintering bird in San Diego around 1990. I then returned to the hotel.

Harlequin Duck

We spent the morning driving around Stanley Park in the rain adding a number of birds to the trip list including Red-breasted and Common Mergansers, Horned Grebe and Wood Ducks.

Our last stop was to Jericho Park where a group of 8 White-winged Scoters added the eleventh and final year bird to my trip list

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