Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Vancouver, day two

I was up and about early on Friday for a visit to the Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park where I stayed for about an hour. This was a successful trip for my target birds starting with a small flock of Golden-crowned Kinglets immediately when I reached the lake. I then began walking anticlockwise around the lake and had 5 Cackling Geese and 7 Hooded Mergansers just as I started off.

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Hooded Merganser

Soon after I ran into a flock of Black-capped Chickadees, and in the same place, a Fox Sparrow. I returned to our hotel at 9:00.

After wandering around Canada Place, where there were 1500 Surf Scoter but no other sea ducks among them, and Gastown we took the ferry across to North Vancouver where 100 Barrow's Goldeneye - the most I had ever seen in one place - were just off Lonsdale Quay.

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